
This is a 43-year-old female who has had a history of breast augmentation in the past. She wears a 34 D or 36C bra. She has recently noticed some palpable and rippling and concern for possible partial deflation of the right breast. She originally had subpectoral saline breast augmentation placed through the nipple (periareolar incision) back in 2002. She then had them redone again in 2004. She is somewhere in the 480 cc size range with saline implants prior to seeing me. She wanted to have a bit more fullness, did not wish to have a lift, and wanted to be a bit tighter. I removed the old implants, tightened the capsule and the pocket to create a better position for the implants noticed when standing and laying down (they don’t go out to the sides). She has 650 cc High Profile Silicone Gel implants with some added fullness and no palpability. 6 week after results are shown.