
This is a 39 year-old patient that had large saline breast implants placed before having children. Her breasts changed quite a bit with pregnancies and she desired to have her implants taken out and have a breast lift. She also had a medical reason to have the breast implants out with having had a neck injury. She had become very active working out as well. She underwent removal of the old breast implants with a breast lift and a tummy tuck and lipo-contouring of the hips and flanks at the same time to also give her the “mommy makeover” (top and bottom) improvements to the breasts/abdominal / tummy area changed by pregnancy. One year after photos are shown with nice contour improvements to breast and tummy with a well-disguised incision line to the abdomen and nicely faded incision lines to the breasts. The patient preferred not to have any breast implant at all; however, if at some point she desires to add upper pole fullness to the breast, she will need to add a small shaping breast implant to add the upper pole fullness to the breast.