30 year old patient that was bothered by laxity and deflation in her breasts after having children. In addition she was bothered by her inverted nipples. She was very fearful of breast lift incisions and wanted to have added fullness again.
She underwent a subglandular breast augmentation with 345 SRM Allergan Natrelle Inspira implants and a correction of inverted nipples. 2 year after results are shown with good breast mound volume and balance, a restoration of self esteem and confidence as well as a considerable “lift effect” to the nipple without doing a formal breast lift. This is because a subglandular breast augmentation (on top of the muscle) can achieve more “lift” as in this example when someone does not want a breast lift. The correction of the grade III inverted nipples is also shown at 2 years with a good maintained outward position and projection.