“Mommy makeover” is a common term that generally refers to rejuvenation of the breasts and body in one surgery. The procedure gets its name because it is often requested by mothers who wish to reverse the physical effects of pregnancy, birth, and child-rearing. I have seen moms come in fairly soon after their delivery, as well as others who wait […]
Continue ReadingMemoryShape™ breast implants are a highly-cohesive, “tear drop” shaped implant option produced by Mentor® – one of the leading implant manufacturers worldwide. I offer MemoryShape™ implants because Mentor® uses the ideal gel properties (crosslinking) to produce their implants which help to provide the optimal combination of form stability (shape) and natural feel (softness). Additionally, through a six-year post-surgery study, Mentor® […]
Continue ReadingSince their relatively recent FDA approval, I have seen a growing demand for anatomic-shaped, form-stable cohesive gel breast implants. These newer implant options – also referred to as “gummy bear” implants – have been available in Europe and Canada for at least eight years prior to their approval here in the U.S., and they have proven to be an excellent […]
Continue ReadingMy philosophy towards blepharoplasty is to almost always approach the upper and lower eyelids together, because I feel it is often noticeable when patients only receive one or the other. Sometimes the upper eyelids may not have a lot of skin excess, but there may be a little fat pocket in the corner that patients are displeased with that will […]
Continue ReadingWhen patients come into my office for an eyelid surgery consultation, the first question I always ask is, “What bothers you about your eyes?” While answers to this question will vary to some degree, a common theme seems to be that friends and family have been telling them they appear tired or sad all the time. These patients – who […]
Continue ReadingAbdominoplasty (more commonly referred to as tummy tuck surgery) is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries performed at my Houston plastic surgery practice. In fact, roughly 20-30% of the procedures I perform are tummy tuck surgeries. After theorizing why I believe this body contouring procedure is so popular among my patients, I singled out two major advantages that I […]
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