Why I Offer MemoryShape Breast Implants

MemoryShape breast implants are a highly-cohesive, “tear drop” shaped implant option produced by Mentor® – one of the leading implant manufacturers worldwide. I offer MemoryShape implants because Mentor® uses the ideal gel properties (crosslinking) to produce their implants which help to provide the optimal combination of form stability (shape) and natural feel (softness). Additionally, through a six-year post-surgery study, Mentor® […]

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Anatomic-Shaped, Form-Stable Cohesive Gel Breast Implants

Since their relatively recent FDA approval, I have seen a growing demand for anatomic-shaped, form-stable cohesive gel breast implants. These newer implant options – also referred to as “gummy bear” implants – have been available in Europe and Canada for at least eight years prior to their approval here in the U.S., and they have proven to be an excellent […]

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